From Rick Moran in the American Thinker:
This is an issue that isn't going away for the Obama campaign and unless they address it in an effort to put it to bed, it will become one of those "distractions" the candidate really hates:
A few weeks ago, a diary entry at Daily Kos published several documents purporting to be Obama's birth certificate. One of those documents is now a confirmed forgery, ferreted out by the website Israeli Insider:Jay McKinnon, a self-described Department of Homeland Security-trained document specialist, has implicated himself in the production of fake Hawaii birth certificate images similar to the one endorsed as genuine by the Barack Obama campaign, and appearing on the same Daily Kos blog entry where the supposedly authentic document appears.
The evidence of forgery and manipulation of images of official documents, triggered by Israel Insider's revelation of the collection of Hawaii birth certificate images on the Photobucket site and the diligent detective work of independent investigative journalists (led by JimJ and Texas Darling) and imaging professionals such as Polarik in the three weeks since the publication of the images, implicate The Daily Kos, a "progressive" blog site, and the Obama campaign's "Fight the Smears" website, in misleading the public with official-looking but manipulated document images of doubtful provenance. Moreover, the blog and the campaign have been negligent in allowing the promotion of obviously forged and fake official documents together with the purported image of Obama's birth certificate.
Israeli Insider goes on to reveal how the forgery was discovered in great detail.
Larry Johnson of No Quarter USA goes into a lot of detail as well:
Why does a Daily Kos Diary writer, Democratic Party activist, and Obama supporter have two fake Hawaii Certifications of Live Birth posted to his image album? Perhaps Jay Mckinnon, who appears on numerous progressive blogs under the screen name opendna and describes himself as a former federal officer and trained document expert for the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) can explain the forged documents. One of the forgeries is appropriately labeled "Haye I.B. Aphorgerie" under CHILD'S NAME and the other is blank except for the same time (7:24PM) and Island of Birth (Oahu) as found on Obama's suspect Certification of Live Birth. These forged documents were discovered in his album shortly after Daily Kos posted the alleged Obama Certification. Particularly interesting is the fact that neither of these fake documents displays the reversed time stamp found on the proffered Obama alleged Certification. The mostly blank certificate is thus perfect for the creation of a forgery. What follows below raises the question: is there a link between these forged documents and Barack Obama's Certification of Live Birth posted at Daily Kos and on the Obama Campaign Website?
Questions...questions...when will Obama's enablers in the mainstream media take notice?
Like Moran, I'm of the school of thought that Obama was likely born in Hawaii when he says he was. But if Obama is hiding something, what is it? And why?
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Obama must now feel like he's fighting a two or three front war. Thanks again John for stayin' on top of this.
(Hillary waits quietly, off stage-left.)
There were and are questions about his citizenship based on U.S. law at the time he was born. Was his birth mother 21 at the time of his birth which would have been required since his father was a non-citizen or is Hussein really not the child born in Hawaii? I doubt his true birth certificate would clear that up, but could muddy the water even more.
Barack Obama senior, when in his early 20's won a scholarship in Kenya which enabled him to travel to Hawaii to study. He would not have had the money to buy 4 more plane tickets to take a pregnant 18 year old student wife/girlfriend from the same university back home to Kenya for the birth because plane tickets for long trips like that cost an absolute fortune in 1961. Most people travelled by ship and wouldn't even THINK about using a plane because of the cost.
The mother of Barack Obama II was born on 27th or 29th Nov 1942 and had only been in Hawaii for about 2 years before her son was conceived just after her 18th birthday.
She had travelled from Kansas to Hawaii with her parents, and there was no earthly reason for her to go to Kenya, especially when she too had her university studies to complete.
Senator Obama's Kenyan father left Hawaii in 1963 after separating from his wife and son and he went to Connecticut to finish his studies there.
Young Barack then lived with his Indonesian step-father and his mother until his step father had his visa cancelled due to political unrest in Indonesia. That's when they all went to Indonesia.
In 1971 Barack's mother sent him back to Hawaii live with her parents. She followed a year later.
Barack's closest family were his white mother and grandparents and his Indonesian step-father and his family. He never knew his black Kenyan father but eventually went to Kenya to meet his relatives.
Ha Ha..It is funny and it is not. Immigrants do a whole lot of things to fool the US INS laws. Obama's birth in 1961 in fact was in 1959 and before Hawai became the US State. Someone should explore this fully and illegitimise his candidacy..His opportunist mother and his own opportunist mind has fooled the entire America.
You guys are CRAZY. DO you really believe that all the people who have supported and invested in him-----all the smart, rich, connected people who have public officials and law enforcement in their pockets e.g. the Kennedy's and Warren Buffet and Bill Gates and so many others.....would be DUPED...You believe this man has not been FULLY VETTED?!?! You are all crazy and the worst part about it is you have been duped into supportng the most elite aristocracy ever! The Bush Kings and their cronies aka McCain have NOTHING for you but LIES and HAR LABOR and nothing for their friends but MORE MONEY AND POWER. While your own children wallow away in poor schools and come home to TV and video games and no prospect of actually wielding power and influence of their own support the entities that happily work to keep you and yours ignorant and poor of mind and body (FORGET DECENT HEALTH CARE IF MCCAIN S ELECTED) and spirit. I PRAY FOR US ALL IF YOUR BLINDNESS AND HATRED LEADS TO ANOTHER GOP VISTORY...EXCUSE ME....I meant STOLEN ELECTION. Because we all know that the DEVOUT will happily SIN, lie, steal and cheat to keep their much adored MASTERS in power. All the while claiming to posess Christian values. Would Christ steal a person's right to vote??? No, only self-righteous Republicans do that. And P.S. For the record and about Acorn...any well-informed person knows the LAW requires a registration worker to submit all documents filled out EVEN if the individual lists their name as "Mickey Mouse". The worker is NOT allowed to JUDGE the document and throw it out. It has to be submitted and the election officials are the ones who have to address and guard against the fraud IF someone shows up and says they are in act named...legally named "Mickey Mouse". Get EDUCATED because believe me, without education you will forever be tools of the powerful who use you and your blood sweat and tears. GOD HELP AMERICA!
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