That's right, the ad says "Don't hope for more energy, vote for it." John McCain and the Republicans have an energy plan.
I know the Democrats have one--It's not called "Hope," it's called "Nope."
Keep an eye on the comments section. Every time I do an energy post, an Obama troll spews Dem talking points about wind power and alternative sources of energy. I might be reaching a bit, but since they don't follow the same tactic with my Iraq posts, or even Tony Rezko, the Democrats must view energy as a vulnerable issue for them.
They're scared.
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Not really... because McCain really has no clue. It's not a shortage of oil... its refining capacity and rich republicans don't want new oil refineries in their backyards anymore than democrats do.
It's the oil companies that are getting the lions share of the profit here. Tax breaks for them while they earn profits unheard of in corporate America.
McCains ads only serve the typically intellectually uncurious republican lemmings.
Oh...Thanks for coming through sweet troll. During my afternoon 10 mile run, I was worried I had scared you off.
Please, you need to tell me, and my readers, the Democrats' energy plan.
I think the facts have excaped the troll. Oil companies (none of the major ones are American owned) make about 9 cents per gallon profit. The government makes 4 times that. Who's the crook? There will be no shortage of oil at $500 per barrel either. Listen to Boone Pickens, stop sending billions to the enemy who would slit your throat given the chance.
'The only thing standing between you and lower fuel cost is a democrat"
All You Need Is Hope and Bullshit from Hussein O, if you are brain dead.
By the way we are in the process of deciding (first meeting tonight) which 'services' to eliminate or charge for in the volunteer fire service. Can't afford the fuel and equipment repairs for 'public service' calls. $500,000 fire trucks require major upkeep.
Guess the Obambi liberals can learn to do without or to receive some rather large bills (no billing now, all free) for every call to their property. $175.00 per unit per hour, and $40 per hour per man (starting point) will add up fast, but we 'may' be able to respond to the next call for help. A trash can on fire will cost you in excess of $1,000. Now free ambulance rides will cost you $700-$1,000. Someone has to pay the bills and $12,000 per year insurance at one fire station. It now cost me $5-6 (gas)for every call I respond to, out of my own pocket. We're tired of begging the neighbors for money they no longer have thanks to the dim-ocrats in congress and the fools who voted them into office. It will only get much worse in Bambi's 09.
If the political winds should change, I will stand with Islam. B Hussein O in his own book. (Not an exact quote but close enough for government work).
Volunteer Firefighter 16
"Thanks for coming through sweet troll"
Am not the same person commenting before... but whatever.
Democrats energy plan... alternative energy and build more nuclear reactors if I had my way but do you think republicans want new reactors in their backyard? Or new wind turbines off the coast where their mansions are? No...
"make about 9 cents per gallon profit" Yes thats how Exxon made their 10 billion in profit... off of that 9 cents a gallon. Your speaking of the profit a gas station franchisee makes... not the profit Exxon makes. You seem to forget that Exxon also drills and produces the oil as do BP and other oil companies. Do you really think their cost for that barrel equals the cost of the open market for oil? I think not.
Hussein-O? This is the typical grade school attempt to say that Baracks name somehow applies a relationship to Saddam or that he is muslim. Both of which are of course false but republicans just love to lie about.
Hey sorry your paying so much for gas... I don't typically catch my place on fire or burn trash cans but if I was so inclined I could probably handle the fire myself thank you very much. If your neighborhood doesn't want to pay the extra costs for fire protection than so be it... get some good insurance and shut up.
Hey sorry your paying so much for gas... I don't typically catch my place on fire or burn trash cans but if I was so inclined I could probably handle the fire myself thank you very much. If your neighborhood doesn't want to pay the extra costs for fire protection than so be it... get some good insurance and shut up.
That's the most hateful comment ever left in the three year history of Marathon Pundit.
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