Thank you so much. I extend greetings from my pastor. He's like my priest. His name is Jeremiah Wright.
Did you catch that? Probably not, because Obama made that statement in a church in northern Israel--in 2006.
Chuck Goudie has more in this morning's Daily Herald:
The Rev. Wright flap, Obama's financial dealings and his relationship with Tony Rezko were all forgotten, almost as if the campaign had built a wall in the middle of the Atlantic to keep them at bay.
Even as the Obama campaign plane flew by convicted, corrupt businessman and political fundraiser Tony Rezko's birthplace in Syria, it was unlikely anyone noticed or cared.
Despite the great wall that now seems to cordon off Mr. Obama's past from the present, the quote delivered in Israel in 2006 should be evocative. No amount of denunciation will change the fact that Mr. Obama would probably not be where he is today if it wasn't for the Rev. Wright. Obama can reduce Wright to "an old uncle" who said things he didn't always agree with, such the preacher's oft-repeated claims that HIV and crack cocaine were government plots aimed at African-Americans.
In his column, Goudie has a timeline of the Obama-Wright relationship.
Yesterday, Barack Obama spoke in at the UNITY Conference just south of Chicago's downtown. Incarcerated just two miles away was Tony Rezko--and to use Goudie's words, "it was unlikely anyone noticed or cared."
H/T to Backyard Conservative
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Swap out words and names like "Keating 5" and "Vicki Iseman" and "Charlie Black's Iran lobbying efforts" and Mr. Goudie could've written the exact same story about Sen. McCain...
But you keep spinning away and see where it'll get you. It's about "judgment" as you say, remember? that the best you can come up with? When was the last time McCain was in the same room with Keating? 1990? Obama was a member of Wright's church until a few month's ago.The Rezko lot deals went down in 2005.
Charlie Black is still leading the McCain campaign...
Is ignoring the fact that he conducts his lobbying business from the "Straight Talk Express" bus the best you can come up with?
Or perhaps you would like to have Mr. Black running his lobbying operation out of the West Wing, is that it?
Lest you think this is some sort of invalid concern, try lining up Mr. Black's contract with Iran vis a vis Sen. McCain's stands on Iran. McCain mysteriously and suddenly took a much harder and firmer stance on sanctions and more against Iran... right about the time Iran's contract with Black's firm ended.
And you've failed to ever actually explain how Rev. Wright's commentary or the completely legal, even if you don't like it, real estate dealings would be potentially detrimental to our national security (other than on a point of what you call "judgment" -- at which by your definitions and rules both candidates must be failing).
It's fine if you dislike Sen. Obama's policies and principles, but turning over compost piles like this is pretty darn hollow.
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