Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Check out "Barackbook"

Barack Obama has a lot of friends. Many of them, such as Bill "Bomber" Ayers, are causing the Cult of Change leader considerable embarrassment.

Well, with a little help from the Republican National Committee, some of those friends with shady backgrounds have gotten together on Barackbook.

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Anonymous said...

From the "who could've predicted it" files: The Republicans had to scrub all the comments and other features because a bunch of racists and other hate-mongers glommed onto the parody. Uh-oh.

Again, so much for running a "civil" campaign.

Marathon Pundit said...

How do you know they weren't Obama supporters doing that to discredited all-American conservatives such as myself? Besides, Obama's site has had more than a few incidents of anti-Semitic comments.

Marathon Pundit said...

What racist comments on "Barackbook?"

Anonymous said...

If the comments were scrubbed ... they wouldn't be there any more, now would they? ;)

NY Times had the story online -- yes, there were some Kossack shenanigans posting messages supporting Obama, but there were apparently also several posts from others that were beyond the pale.

McCain and his admittedly lying ads seem to be doing an unfortunately good job of discrediting conservatives all by his lonesome.

Marathon Pundit said...

Believe it or not, Rob, I do check out the Old Gray Lady every day, but I missed that one.

I certainly don't condone those comments, but since the Kos crowd--not the nicest ppl, by the way--I have my suspicions that they did stained the site to discredit it.

Funny, the lib blogs are calling Barackbook a smear site. Like a great Monty Python sketch, such as the one with philosophers such as Heiddeger and Kant playing soccer, but playing well, philosophically, it works well

And there are no smears in the site. Okay, Tony Rezko doesn't have a Facebook page, but beyond that, it's publishing the truth.

Anonymous said...

Remember when conservatives cried that all progressives had was "anybody but Bush"...?

The GOP/McCain strategy to date is very clear "anybody but Obama".