Barack Obama says he's the person who will clean up Washington. Perhaps he as a trash pick-up planned for the District of Columbia's Rock Creek Park, because based upon his long relationship--seventeen years--with alleged political fixer Antoin "Tony" Rezko, Obama is not the person to clean out corruption in the capital.
I like the YouTube video, however, as of this writing, I have one clarifications: as of this hour Rezko has not been convicted of anything.
Jurors will continue their deliberations Wednesday morning, speculation is that they've reached a verdict on 23 of 24 counts. Win, lose, or draw, Tony Rezko faces another trial regarding fraud allegations involving the fraudulent sale of his pizza business, and an arrest warrant regarding unpaid gambling debts.
If there is a sequel for this video, this item should be included: Rezko was not charged with any crimes involving this episode, running a minority-front business at Chicago's O'Hare Airport. Obama has no ties to that caper, but the liberal pundits who champion Obama as the leader for the "post-racial America" should familiarize themselves with this story, which was widely reported in the Chicago media. This story broke three months before the infamous "Rezko" deal that allowed the Obamas to buy their Kenwood mansion.
UPDATE June 4: Correction, Tony Rezko has been found guilty on 16 of 24 corruption counts. Play and forward the video!
Thanks for the link: BackyardConservative
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1 comment:
If Hillary were to Endorse Barack Obama She can say good by to Her self respect and any chance 2012
You know what thy can do with there speeches speeches speeches
and there Speeches Speeches Speeches
No more words I dont need Obama to tell Me the weather stinks or what gas cost
No More words please no more speeches
Is This going away Republicans ready to pounce thank god for cell videos
No more Speeches Please what did the students do cross the line of respecting the elderly at the caucuses.
No more Speeches What did thy do 5 students to one elederly at the caucuses
No wonder He won at the caucuses so big Yet did so pour at the true test of real voteing.
For get speeches I belive america may be done with speeches thats that
I what to know what went on at the caucuses with the flood of Ayers students
One Must Ask Why He won the caucuses Yet lost 70 percent of West VA Rejected Him
Hillary Is She A Independent Voice For The People
Is The Change America Is Crying Out For Independence
The Question is will she go Independent and be our voice or sell out will She stand up or stand down.UP Date June 05,2008Ok So Say Hillary Gives In to the caucuses robbers the half time get Her out of the race Obama team, Some Americans will lose respect for Her and no shot at 2012.Change will only come from people that stand up not thy that stand down , speak for the voters not a few in the party or superdegates. Or sell Out your suporters and Join Obamas team.
Forget about the election and the ones running, who is going to speak for the febal old woman or man with walkers that got run over at the caucuses by hiped up la ta anti war stundents or do we treat tham like like we treat our war veterans.
For get both partys thy are no more than possers with speeches, actions speek not words.
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