Fox News Channel, 6/11/2008, 7:14 PM Eastern:
SHEPARD SMITH: Could sky high gas prices actually be a good thing? A top Republican is going after Barack Obama saying that he suggested just that. Obama is saying that the problem isn't that prices are too high, just that they shot up too quickly. He told CNBC today "if we take some steps right now to help people make the adjustment than I think ultimately we can come out of this stronger and have a more energy efficient policy than we do right now." Well, the top Republican in the Senate having a field day with that statement
SEN. MITCH MCCONNELL: The position outlined by the Democratic nominee shouldn’t a surprise to most Americans given that Washington Democrats have repeatedly refused to allow increased energy production here at home – even though as we all know increase supply leads to lower prices.
SMITH: Senator McConnell saying it is like they're going out of their way to keep gas prices from going down. So far, no response from the Obama camp. We’ll get it to you when it comes in.
We'll be waiting a long time.
By the way, in his book, The Audacity of Hope,
Once Obama became the Democrats' point man on ethics in the Senate, he stopped using this audacious perk.
And until the Detroit Free Press blew the whistle on him, the Obamas drove around Chicago in a fuel inefficient V8 Hemi-powered Chrysler 300C.
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Doesn't Obama know that high fuel prices could also affect mass transit? Or could this mean that his first priority is to get people out of their cars so that they're forced to take CTA and then if CTA is crunching on fuel prices then he might consider lower gas prices? I take public transportation a lot, but I wonder if someone or some people are failing to see a big picture here.
Maybe what Obama is alluding to is that the only way we will ever change is if we are forced to financially. No one wanted to hear that SUV's were not fuel efficient and were not a responsible purchase 5 years ago. However, now that gas prices have shot up Americans are making wiser choices both in deciding which car to purchase and how to allocate their fuel usage. In the long run, higher gas prices assure that we find alternatives to oil. In the present, higher gas prices stop us from buying gas guzzling cars.
What they fail to realize is high fuel prices will but a huge hole in the economic recovery. It will be hard when those higher costs are reflected in the prices of things we need like food and chinese crap that breaks in two weeks. Low fuel costs were one of the reasons why many jobs were actually spared in the past year, many people were able to commute twice as far for new job. Myself included, i took a job that added 20 miles to my commute for a 10% pay cut. This is going to hit household balance sheets hard, removing even more money from retail sales, restaurant sales and that means lots of jobs. How will the economy recover when companies have higher production costs and increased taxes? Peoples retirements will not be recovering any time soon, the market will remain stagnant.
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