Jerusalem will remain the capital of Israel, and it must remain undivided.
I wasn't. But now Obama, via campaign staffers, is flip-flopping on what he said just 36 hours ago, as the Jerusalem Post reports.
But a campaign adviser clarified Thursday that Obama believes "Jerusalem is a final status issue, which means it has to be negotiated between the two parties" as part of "an agreement that they both can live with."
"Two principles should apply to any outcome," which the adviser gave as: "Jerusalem remains Israel's capital and it's not going to be divided by barbed wire and checkpoints as it was in 1948-1967."
He refused, however, to rule out other configurations, such as the city also serving as the capital of a Palestinian state or Palestinian sovereignty over Arab neighborhoods.
"Beyond those principles, all other aspects are for the two parties to agree at final status negotiations," the Obama adviser said.
Flip. Flop. Flip. Flop.
I shudder to think what the result will be when a President Obama negotiates with Mahmoud "What Holocaust?" Ahmadinejad.
Barack Obama, unlike John McCain, is not a straight talker.
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