From No Quarter USA:
I learned over the weekend why the Republicans who have seen the tape of Michelle Obama ranting about "whitey" describe it as "STUNNING." I have not seen it but I have heard from five separate sources who have spoken directly with people who have seen the tape. It features Michelle Obama and Louis Farrakhan. They are sitting on a panel at Jeremiah Wright's Church when Michelle makes her intemperate remarks. Whoops!! When that image comes out it will enter the politcal ads hall of fame. It will be right up there with the little girl plucking daisy petals in the famous 1964 ad LBJ used against Barry Goldwater.
Johnson has more about that video in this earlier post.
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larry johnson is not highly credible...he is a tinfoil hat wearing nutbar.
Educate me. Where is a "tin foil" hat post of his?
Larry is not a columnist for Huffpo- he is not a coked-up TV has been; a convicted check kiting felon married to a Congressional opportunist and national laughing stock; a violently tanned. bleached teeth Air-America president who is detested by most of NYC voters who are glad to see him out of town; a radical leader with a pizza face that Hanoi Jane dumped fo Ted Turner. . . & etc.
He must wear a Tin Foil Kelly.
I had read on one of the blogs that Johnson's credibility was at issue. But, I reserve judgment -- if he says the tape exists and it does? Well, that will speak to his credibility.
And so we sit and wait... and HOPE for CHANGE from Obamessiah's shoe-in certainty as the Dem nominee to Hillary to the rescue.
Not sure which is worse...
Credible? Oh my God ... yes, this is the same man who had PROOF that Karl Rove was about to be indicted.
This is the same man who promised over the weekend to post this "stunning" video tape ... then wrote today that he hasn't actually seen the tape ... and his sources haven't actually seen the tape ... but five people who his sources talked to have seen the tape and ... blah blah blah.
Seriously folks, we're going to decide the nomination this way?
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