Taken by itself, referring to Michiganders as Michi-anders is not a big deal. Barack Obama did that earlier this month. But if John McCain said it, I have a feeling that we'd be hearing more about it in the mainstream media. With hints about age, etc., and references to Dan Quayle's infamous "potatoe" episode.
Here are a few more Obama faux pas:
Calling Sunrise, Florida...Sunshine, Florida.
Saying "Thank you Sioux City! Sioux Falls. I've been in Iowa too long. I'm sorry." He was in Sioux Falls, South Dakota when he said it.
Obama said his campaign has traveled to 57 states.
Michelle Malkin has a large collection of other Obama gaffes, some of quite troubling, including Obama's claim of ignorance of Washington State's Hanford nuclear plant clean up. Obama voted on a Senate funding bill for Hanford.
A little more than a year ago, Obama lectured Detroit auto executives for not producing enough fuel-effecient cars. At that time, Obama was driving a V-8 hemi-powered Chrysler 300, not as bad as an SUV, but hardly a gasoline miser.
Moving on to SUVs, Obama gave a town hall meeting in Metropolis, Illinois two year ago, lecturing the residents of the Ohio River town on the evils of gas guzzlers. After his talk endend, the Cult of Change leader was spririted a way in, you guessed it, an SUV.
H/T to RightMichigan for the YouTube video.
Thanks for the link:
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Did Hussein O tell the auto workers he was part of the crowd that destroyed the auto industry and with it, they're lives, but if you put me in charge I'll kiss the boo boo and make it well. That would be down to the mental level of the democrat party.
Firefighter 16
Well, that is, change.
I wonder if he's ever been to a game at Lambert Field? The man's a zero; a cardboard cut-out candidate.
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