Sunday, June 01, 2008

Hillary Clinton wins Puerto Rico Primary as her supporters look to McCain

Hillary Rodham Clinton won another Democratic Primary today, winning about two-thirds of the vote. Residents of the island won't be able to vote in the general election this fall, but some Hillary supporters say they'll turn to Republican John McCain in November, including this California woman who explains why in a YouTube video.

After mentionining Obama's ties to William Ayers, Tony Rezko, and the Reverend Jeremiah Wright, she adds:

When you tell me that much bad news about someone, I start to panic. Suddenly it's no longer about being a Democrat. It's about being an American. It's about preserving the United States of America.

CNN polled Kentucky voters who participated in the Democratic Primary there two weeks ago, and discovered that nearly half of those Kentuckians who voted for Hillary Clinton said they'd vote for John McCain in November--or not at all.

Clinton won Kentucky by a large margin over Barack Obama.

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