The's not much to worry about. For starters, Barr's anti-war stance will make him a non-starter for most Republicans. Secondly, despite all the talk about what an engaging speaker Barr is, I've never been impressed by him. To me, he comes across with about as much warmth as an auditor going over my expense report.
And Barr will have trouble making it on the ballot on some states.
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As much warmth as an auditor going over your expense report...
...laughing out loud at that one. Cause you're right!
Just another idiot with an inflated ego, and a man without honor.
I thought the headline was a sarcastic. With Barr polling at 9% in Georgia, "nothing to see here" does sound like sarcasm.
McCain needs to do the honorable thing and either step down now or chose Sanford or another libertarian-minded conservative as his VP. Chosing a neocon or socon as his VP will only cause more disconcern.
Barr is from Georgia. Also, as election day nears, look for Barr's numbers to drop as Republicans contemplate "President Obama."
I keep hearing rumors they are going to dropp root and put Paul on the ticket so they can tapp some of pauls popularity and give the campaign a boost? There is an article about it at Has any one else been seeing these rumors floated about?
I also found a website? why would they have a BarrPaul site if it wasnt true>? They even have a petition there?
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