From CBS 2 Chicago:
Before championing a big legislative pay increase, Illinois Senate President Emil Jones provided himself with tens of thousands of dollars in interest-free loans from his campaign fund.
Under Illinois' relatively loose campaign-finance laws, there's nothing illegal about politicians dipping into their campaign funds that way. But it's highly unusual.
Since 1989, the South Side Democrat has taken out $120,528 in personal loans from his political fund and repaid $96,900 of that amount -- leaving nearly $25,000 unaccounted for.
Just last year, Jones withdrew $5,800 from his fund in 20 separate loans of $200 or $300 each between July and December.
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Yet another desperate attempt to discredit Obama.
Truth First
Oh, please.
If people still crow about Prescott Bush;
Or, maybe how Jack Abramhoff made Bush evil by association;
Or, how Karl Rove was/is pulling the strings of the administration ...
Emil Jones, even moreso than Tony Rezko, is ripe for the picking.
Besides, it's not just Jones.
Obama seems to have a litany of unsavory characters running amok behind that closet door Michelle's been leaning her shoulder into.
But, I guess guilt by association is only valid when it proves the point you'd like it to, eh?
Truth is not born of subjectivity.
As for those personal loans of $200-300 ... how much does a south-side, or Springfield hooker run ya' now and days?
If the organization is 'tax exempt' under IRS rules it is not only possible, but probable that he comitted a federal crime with the 'personal' loans. A writer of 501 tax exemption applications.
Firefighter, volunteer type, tax exempt organization.
Truth First, before you jump off that cliff and land head first up to your shoulders in Hussein's butt you may want to visit the IRS web site and read up. It's all there. I'm not interested enough in the criminal doing of Hussein to do it for you. Everyone knows he's never associated with anyone other than criminals, terrorists and anti-americans but only 50% will admit to their own knowledge. Sad shape the democrats are in.
Anything to win an election, even the death of millions. Wanna reference to when that happened, try the surrender of Vietnam years after the war was won and 'all' combat troops were long home.
Well their lucky enough that they have loans with free interest. It is a big advantage if your in the position you could demand for anything. And also you can control people. That's only my opinion. Thanks
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