Saturday, May 24, 2008

HRC on the RFK assassination: What was she thinking?

After a remarkably long stretch of gaffe-free moments, Hillary Rodham Clinton saved her worst for the tail end of the primary campaign season. Her last slip-up was her debunked claim from March that she and Chelsea Clinton were met by sniper fire as the disembarked from an airplane in Bosnia in 1996.

Here's what Politico's Jonathan Martin wrote Friday:

Hillary Clinton today cited the assassination of Robert F. Kennedy during the 1968 presidential campaign to explain why she was remaining in the race despite long odds.

"We all remember Bobby Kennedy was assassinated in June in California," Clinton told the editorial board of a South Dakota newspaper." I don't understand it," Clinton added, alluding to the calls for her to quit.

Clinton made the statement after pointing out that her husband didn't lock up the nomination until June of 1992, trying to point out that, by past history, it's not late in the campaign.

What was she thinking? Anyway, there is one candidate (besides HRC) left in the Democratic race. Who was she thinking about?

And although we should not forget unpleasant historic incidents, what Clinton said just opens up wounds best not exposed in such a manner. I was too young to remember John F. Kennedy's death in Dallas, but that murder kicked off a wave of other assassinations--and attempted assassinations--including the killings of Bobby Kennedy and Martin Luther King five years later, the George Wallace shooting in 1972, the two attempts on Gerald Ford's life three years later, ending with Ronald Reagan getting shot in 1981.


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1 comment:

Tregonsee said...

I would not vote for either BHO or HRC under any circumstances. However, my impression is that she was basically musing about how anything can happen in politics. Due to tiredness she said out loud something which was correct, but highly inappropriate. I will add that it says much about where the MSM is that there has been absolutely no defense of her in this way.