Sunday, May 11, 2008

Hamas trauma for Obama

Last month Ahmed Yousef, who is the chief advisor to the prime minister of the terrorist group Hamas, told WABC Radio, "We like Mr. Obama and we hope he will win the election." He was asked why. "He has a vision to change America."

Now comes news that Rob Malley, now a former Middle East policy adviser to the Barack Obama campaign, has been meeting with Hamas.

Last month Obama told a Jewish group that he would never meet with Hamas.

Obama repudiated the Hamas endorsement, but a pattern persists--unsavory characters keep popping up around the senator.

Related post:

Obama's problems with the Jewish vote could mean good news for McCain

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IanMc said...

And why exactly is an issue?

The American government may consider Hamas to be a "terrorist" group but that hardly means that is the truth.

Marathon Pundit said...

Tell that to someone whose house has been leveled by a Hamas missile, or killed by a Hamas suicide bomber.