Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Obama further distances himself from Reverend Wright

I just got finished watching Barack Obama's press conference in which he strongly denounced--which he did not when he was asked about Reverend Wright yesterday afternoon--what his longtime pastor said at his Monday press conference at the National Press Club.

Much of what the pastor emeritus of the Trinity United Church of Christ was a rehash of those excerpted sermons tape-looped again and again on numerous news shows. Most horribly, Wright's assertion that the U.S. government created AIDS so it could be spread among the African American population, has angered many--including the junior senator from my state.

Here's what Obama said about Wright's most recent outburst:

All it was...was a bunch of rants, that aren't grounded in truth.

But Obama once again gave that anti-Semite, Louis Farrakhan, undeserved respect by referring to the racist as "Minister Farrakhan."

Obama has been a member of Trinity United Church of Christ for twenty years, he was married by the Reverend Wright, and his two daughters were baptized there.

Obama says he was "shocked" by the statements Wright made yesterday.

Was he really?

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Anonymous said...

Obama is either a fool, or a liar.

This makes him perfectly suited to be an alderman, or even mayor of Chicago.

Not to be president.

Heck, I wouldn't even want him as president of my condo board.

Marathon Pundit said...

He's good at spending other peoples money, so keep him away from your board.

Anonymous said...

No sh!t ... the assessments would go through the roof!

pathickey said...

Rev. Al and all the other Race-Baiting Captains of Industry are already gnawing on Obama's still-living bones.

Obama will most definately be the skinny White Momma's Boy of the Bobby Rush Camapign.

Saw this movie already.

Anonymous said...


Rev. Al and the other Captains of the Race-Baiting Industry.


Much better.

Levois said...

I doubt it! His act today certainly puts a damper on this new style of politics.

Anonymous said...

fwiw my blog entry last night re Wright, before Obama press conference:


IMO Obama absolutely sincere.

Thanks for your your remarks to other posts and for letting my posts stand.

But I continue to think that your approach to the Obama discussion is needlessly divisive, and lacks empathy for people who are affected. You have a tone that I perceive to be something we have grown accustomed to in this country in terms of how we pursue our discussions in this country, as if there is no other approach available.

I strongly urge you to consider a different style of discussion, one that takes more time to consider the impoirtant issues that Obama's candidacy raises for this country.

It doesn't get talk show ratings to do so, but it is the right thing to do, IMO - - and as my blog entry should show, I am trying to be even handed on all sides of the crazy-making this election season.

Anonymous said...

That's a very well written post, edu; but, you're overlooking the fact that, really, it's not so much what Wright said, it's that Obama says he was unaware of Wright's statements.

I could give two shakes if Wright was speaking about brownie recipes, the fact of the matter is that Obama's been caught as being just another Chicago pol.

There's no change. There's no hope.

And, after this charade of Obama's, there's not a whole lot of credibility, either.

As an aside, your post mentions that no African-American can become president without appealing to the entire country.

Not to split hairs, but that's a racially divisive comment.

I would offer to you that no PERSON can become president without appealing to the entire country.

I think we'd all be a lot happier if we, generally, just stopped using adjectives, don't you?

Marathon Pundit said...

Hello Eud...Remember, we have very little else to judge Obama on. His US Senate record? One bill enacted into law in 3 1/2 years, and that one was co-sponsored by Tom Coburn, the man Obama tried to compare to Bill "Bomber" Ayers. His state senate record, and the MSM has not picked up on that, is largely a creation of State Senate President Emil Jones.

So it's fair to look at other things.

Obama's administrative experience? He's run nothing bigger than his US Senate office.