"Who is Martin Luther King?" I asked. My mother incredulously replied "You don't know who Martin Luther King is?"
Again, I was just six, and current events, let alone the Civil Rights movement, wasn't a topic that came up in Kindergarten. And my parents, at that time at least, didn't talk about the turmoils of that era. That would quickly change, or maybe I just became a better listener.
Years later I learned about the importance and tremendous influence of the King and his works.
As for the assassination, it was the first historic event I have a memories of.
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I remember my first historic event, Tiannamen Square. I don't remember Challenger and I was old enough to know about that. I might remember Iran Contra and I certainly remember Panama.
Well anyway this is certainly a good time to reflect on where this country is today. Especially as race relations go. If Dr. King was alive I would like to think that things would be different than they would be under the current crop of Civil Rights leadership. He was taken way too soon.
I remember when my mother cried when Roosevelt died.
I was 2 years, 10 months.
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