Sunday, April 20, 2008

An annoying article about John McCain's temper

Last night I did a spy ware scan of my desktop, and I noticed that one of those annoying tracking cookies, one called "washpo," which I swatted away.

This morning, the Washington Post ran an annoying story about John McCain's temper penned by Micheal Leahy. It's on the front page of the print edition of the daily, which is "A01" in internet-speak.

Most of the anger-tales cited by the paper are over 15 years old. Except for a pointed-exchange between McCain--which was a talking town, not a temper flare-up--between the senator and a New York Times reporter earlier this year, none of them involve McCain's current run for the presidency.

Do you remember Barack Obama's "bitter comments" about flyover-country voters a little over a week ago. The Post pushed that story, which was based on something Obama said just a week earlier.

Keep in mind, other than that "talking down" incident, there has been nothing McCain has done to make his "temper" a timely issue, but Leahy--or his editors--think this is a newsworthy story.

To others it's annoying.

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