"I'd walk over my own grandmother to re-elect Richard Nixon," is what Nixon special counsel Charles Colson reportedly said in 1972.
Barack Obama apparently is willing to go as far as trashing his 86 year-old grandmother, whom he calls "Tutu," because she is "a typical white person," because she once uttered sentiments that some could interpret as racist. Pat Hickey of ...With Both Hands shows a picture of "some typical white persons" in blue uniforms who paid the ultimate price fighting to end slavery at the Battle of Gettysburg.
BackyardConservative has more on the same subject.
Meanwhile, PrairiePundit informs his readers that the title of the sermon given by new pastor at Obama's Trinity United Church was "How to Handle a Public Lynching."
Keep in mind that all that the electronic media did in its "lynching" was show clips of sermons of the Reverend Jeremiah Wright from DVDs purchased from Trinity's web site.
Tomorrow is Monday, which means it's time for McCain Mondays. It's a pro-McCain, link exchange social site.
Finally, I'd like to end with Dr. Sanity's excellent blog essay, "The Legacy of the Typical Leftist." She muses on Obama, race, and more.
More Odds and Sods next Sunday.
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