I think he was a crappy New York attorney general, and he was following suit as governor of the Empire State. But the erstwhile "Mr. Clean" now sees his career in the toilet because of
his alleged tryst with a high-price prostitution service.
Which proves one thing I've always believed about men. The smarter they are, the dumber they are when it comes to sins of the flesh.
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current affairs
new york
Almost comparable to our situation in Illinois. He seems to have this great ability to burn bridges. And the one thing he was famous for, busting prostitutes, is the one thing that has destroyed his political career.
Well, he can always claim he was working under cover at the Emperor's Club.
Evidently he was interested in screwing more than investment companies :)
Marvelous headline.
Oh man ... karma's a bitch, isn't it?
I haven't stopped snickering about this one since yesterday.
Gold, Jerry! Gold.
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