Friday, March 21, 2008

Richardson throws his "considerable support" behind Obama

Okay, if the headline seems sarcastic, it's meant to be. On one hand, in a very close contest for delegates between Hillary Rodham Clinton and Barack Obama, every new supporter is important. But the media is making a big to-do about Governor Bill Richardson (D-NM) announcing his endorsement of Barack Obama this afternoon, and I think they're overdoing it.

The man who clearly had the best résumé of any of the 2008 presidential candidates--of either party--proved a point: Résumés don't excite voters.

Richardson faced the voters in the Iowa Caucuses and the New Hampshire Primary--finishing fourth each time. He was the choice of just 4.6 percent of Granite State voters.

But Richardson had always been viewed, despite his own presidential candidacy, as someone in the Clinton camp, and a possible running mate on at Hillary-topped ticket.

Not anymore.

Related post:

Bill Richardson wants Great Lakes water for the Southwest: UPDATED

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"But Richardson had always been viewed, despite his own presidential candidacy, as someone in the Clinton camp, and a possible running mate on at Hillary-topped ticket". This just shows the truth, there is no loyalty in the democrat party for anyone or anything. How can they complain when the truth 'that they are not patriotic Americans' is told about them.