From a whisper to a scream
So I whisper and I scream
But don't get me wrong
Please don't leave me waitin' too long
"From a Whisper to a Scream,"
In 2004, Mercy Hospital in northwest suburban Crystal Lake wanted to build a new health care facility. But that move needed approval from the the Illinois Hospital Facilities Planning Board.
Donald Jones, a section chief of a state reveiew board and a veteran of over 100 such public mettings, saw something he hadn't seen before. Keep in mind, we're talking about Illinois here.
From the Chicago Tribune, free registration may be required:
After first seeing its application for a new Crystal Lake hospital rejected, Mercy Health System pressed for reconsideration from the board and got it in April. Jones was on hand to answer questions.
Approval for construction required five votes from the nine board members. When the question was first called, there were only four "yes" votes. Dr. Imad Almanaseer, a Tony Rezko nominee for the board, had passed on voting.
Then, said Jones, "[Board Vice-Chair] Stuart Levine got up from his seat and went over to Dr. Almanaseer and whispered into his ear."
Almanaseer then voted "yes," and Mercy's project was approved, the first new hospital project approved in Illinois in more than a quarter century.
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