In his follow up, perhaps he can write about Caterpillar employees facing the same fate. His NAFTA bashing, whether it is a ruse or not, could harm the internatational sales of the heavy equipment manufacturer. Peoria-based "Cat" is one of Illinois' largest private employers.
From Crain's Chicago Business:
In remarks to reporters after the meeting (Caterpillar Inc. CEO James) Owens said the biggest risk to the company’s robust growth is the adoption of restrictive U.S. trade policies that would cause other countries to curtail their purchases of Cat equipment. Cat's exports to other countries increased by 20% in 2007.
"We’ve got to stay engaged in the global economy," he said
Mr. Owens said he's particularly dismayed by the Democratic presidential candidates Barack Obama's and Hillary Clinton’s criticism of the North American Free Trade Agreement with Mexico and Canada.
The two U.S. senators have railed against the agreement in their primary election campaigns and have called for the agreement to be reopened to protect to U.S. businesses and a workers.
Illinois has an export driven economy. NAFTA has been good to the United States, and very good to Illinois.
Related posts:
Obama caught fibbing on NAFTA
Obama NAFTA flap gets worse
NAFTA, the Dem debate and some Chicago steelworkers
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C'mon now, Rubes, didn't you hear Obama's campaign staff saying that all the anti-NAFTA chatter was just political posturing?
He doesn't mean it. It's just something he's stumping with to get people riled up.
He doesn't mean any of it.
An empty suit touting empty talking points.
Nothing to see here.
What else is he not serious about? Iraq? Cancelling the Bush tax cuts? I have to reconsider my opposition to him.
Ha. Remember, he was against Iraq when his opinion meant absolutely dick.
It's a good thing he bought that house while the Bush tax cuts were helping him out. Repeal those and he'd never have a shot at such a sweet deal.
With Rezko all but locked up, and his endorsement of Todler leading to the highest sales tax in the nation, there's no way he or his "Not proud of America" wife would be able to afford such a swank spread.
The audacity of being a bullsh*t artist.
No, no - your opposition is well placed. You're just not loud enough ;)
Oh crap!
You're just not loud enough
It's not from lack of effort on my part.
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