Monday, March 17, 2008

Hillary tosses air ball: "We cannot win" in Iraq

A common scream that a basketball coach will use when things aren't going so well is, "Can't anyone play this game?" Barack Obama, a onetime high school basketball player, has had a few technical fouls called on him in the last week.

Now's the time for Hillary Clinton to rattle off a few three-pointers. But she tossed an air ball today on Iraq.

From Reuters:

Democrat Hillary Clinton charged on Monday the Iraq war may end up costing Americans $1 trillion and further strain the economy, as she made her case for a prompt U.S. troop pullout from a war "we cannot win."

This week marks the fifth anniversary of the U.S. invasion of Iraq, but voters now say the economy is their top issue in the campaign for the November presidential election.

This comes at a time when Iraqis are becoming increasingly optimistic about the situation in their country, while Americans are more hopeful about a successful outcome for our mission there.

And as I blogged last week, more Americans want John McCain to be the person to answer that "3am phone call" rather than Hillary "We Cannot Win" Clinton and Barack Obama.

Do the Democrats want to win?

Related post:

Rasmussen poll: More Americans want McCain to anwser the phone at 3am

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1 comment:

pathickey said...

We have John McCain in Iraq getting things done and the DNC anointed Victims doing the time-honored Democrat Belly-Button Stare.

It is McCain Versus the Mopes!