As a regular talk radio listener, I’ve heard "John McLame," or "John McVain," or, for that matter, "Senor Juan McCain." Then, of course, there’s the ever-popular designation "Senator John McAmnesty."
I hate to interrupt all the merriment and wit, but I would suggest that my colleagues get used to a new title---
Mr. President.
Or, at least, "Mr. GOP Nominee."
Michael Medved, January 29.
Get used to it? No. It's time to celebrate! John Sidney McCain III is will be on the top of the Republican ticket in November, and I will do everything in my power to help put McCain into the position where we'll be calling him "Mr. President."
It's an uphill climb for McCain to win this fall. Fortunately, the Democratic slugfest is helping even the playing field. We'll take any assistance, but no matter what happens between now and the end of the primary election season, the best person for the job is the man from Arizona.
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