Diane of Respublica lives in the Metro East part of Illinois, and she's got an excellent vantage point for her to cover the Kirkwood city hall shootings across the Mississippi River in St. Louis County, Missouri. Here is one insightful post on the tragedy.
Although Anna of A Rose By Any Other Name blogs from Ohio, we're still in Illinois, the southern part, as she honors Cpl. Ryan J. Buckley of downstate Nokomis as her Wednesday Hero. He was killed by an IED in Baghdad two years ago.
I haven't been able to authenticate it, but Siggy apparently gotten his hands on a transcript of Hillary Clinton's therapy session with her psychiatrist.
Like Siggy, Dr. Sanity is a mental health professional, and tonight she has her latest Carnival of Insanities online.
All Rezko all the time: If you can't get your Tony Rezko fix satisfied here at Marathon Pundit, then head over to RezkoWatch. It's a great source of information about Barack Obama's first political sponsor. However, a British lawyer visited the site, and he didn't like it at all...or he allegedly didn't like it. Hey, you can't be too careful while blogging.
As for Rezko, I've got another post in my head, but it will have to wait until tomorrow morning. Here's a preview: Abraham Lincoln's name gets sullied.
More Odds and Sods next Sunday night.
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