Illinois conservative journalist Tom Roeser discovered that Creamer was a "Campaign Culture" instructor, where the consumer advocacy CEO talked about "'persuadable' and 'mobilizable' voters, application of quantitative approaches, and different forms of messaging and research."
Okay, Creamer has paid his debt to society. But Obama's Cult of Change is supposed to represent "a new kind of politics." I haven't fallen for it.
Here's what Roeser wrote last summer:
Creamer taught at "Camp Obama," a week-long summer camp last month held at the presidential candidate's office in Chicago for campaign interns and volunteers-just a few blocks away from the federal court where on August 31, 2005 he pleaded guilty to charges of bank fraud and failure to pay federal taxes...on charges brought by U. S. Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald. He admitted in his 18-page signed plea agreement that he wrote checks on accounts that lacked funds and did so repeatedly as he moved money from one account to another in three banks. He had a multiple group of organizations that received money, the best known being the "Illinois Public Action Council" a left-wing group on which his wife, Jan Schakowsky, was a board member while the manipulating was going on. She was already in Congress when he pleaded guilty; she was not charged.
Creamer's retention to instruct the Obama for President campaign is probably the most revelatory hint that the hopeful, idealistic, whimsical message floated by the candidate is mere vapor obscuring a cynical operation...unless, of course, the Obama people had no idea of Creamer or what his past represents.
Creamer’s being hired by the Obama campaign to instruct interns and volunteers in political organizing, abuses of which sent him to jail is ironic. Sen. Obama has been notable among the presidential candidates for crusading in an effort to "bring hope to our people." He has been chairman of the Senate Ethics committee. How Creamer ended up instructing the Obama workers when his notoriety has been so prominent in Illinois is anyone’s guess. And whether he still continues to work on the Obama payroll is still speculative. One would imagine that David Axelrod, the top Obama strategist, should have seen Creamer's hiring as a red flag.
Is Creamer still part of the Obama campaign?
Creamer in his Huffington Post article from yesterday talked more about those "persuadables" and "mobilzables."
Pulling at emotional strings is a time-proven strategy of the liberals, which is what Creamer does here:
By inspiration I mean something very specific. Being inspired is about feeling empowered. When you are inspired by a speech or story or movie it isn't the "facts" or proposals that affect you. It's how experience makes you feel. When you're inspired you feel that you, or the country, or your group can overcome obstacles and do things you previously couldn't do. You feel that you can be more and achieve more than you could before.
Sheesh...sounds like the kind of goo a guy feeds a woman when he's inspired to get in her pants.
And don't sell facts short, Creamer. As John Adams once said, "Facts are stubborn things."
Here a fact I want to possess: The role, if any, that ex-con Robert Creamer has in the Obama campaign.
Related posts:
Liberals laud book by ex-con husband of Rep. Jan Schakowsky
Ex-con and congresswoman's husband Creamer taught at Camp Obama
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Bob's Got His Ink! B-Cray's a Audacious Urbane Translator, Yo!
If you ever find out the answer to the fact you want to possess about Creamer's involvement with the Obama Campaign and the answer is, "he's still involved," I hope you spread the news far and wide. Bob Creamer is the root of all evil.
"Bob Creamer is the root of all evil" - for trying to fund a public interest PAC!
Bush, on the other hand... was VERY CLOSE FRIENDS with CONVICTED FELONS Jack Abramoff and Ken Lay.
Abramoff CONVICTED OF BRIBERY (not a little 6 month conviction for writing checks with insufficient funds; Abramoff CONVICTED of BRIBERY, and he probably had some role in that murder of the Florida Casino-ship owner);
(Not to mention, Bush and Cheney gave cover to Enron's last-gasp bid to EXTORT a few billion dollars out of California electric consumers, with RIGGED BIDS, coordinated plant shutdowns, transmission overloads, and other TRICKS to JACK UP ELECTRICITY PRICES at cost of BILLIONS CA, WA, and Oregon rate-payers.
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