A bear diet consists of liberals and Dems...We need to drastically increase the numbers of bears in America, especially in key spots such as the Berkeley campus.
From a hate e-mail read by ecologist Marc Gaede, friend of Timothy Treadwell, the subject of the documentary "Grizzly Man."
The bears, metaphorically speaking, have been released on the loony-left city of Berkeley, California.
Last month, the City Council of Berkeley passed a resolution calling for the US Marines to close down its recruiting center, located a block from the University of California-Berkeley campus, and referred to the Marines as "uninvited and unwelcome intruders."
Earlier this month, the council voted not to send a letter with those words to the Marines, but the verbiage stands.
The timing couldn't have been better for Move America Forward's counterattack. Although a separate fighting force, the Marines are administratively part United States Department of Navy--scroll down one post, the Navy is having a good day, shooting down a satellite that could've reentered the atmosphere and scattered its debris anywhere, including Berkeley.
MAF has produced an ad denouncing the Berkeley City Council, which is up on YouTube. Do you want to show your support? Then sign their petition here. Or you can donate to Move America Forward by clicking here.
In Washington, Sen. Jim DeMint (R-SC), is working to block federal earmark funds from reaching Berkeley, as has Rep. Tom Feeney, (R-FL).
H/T to ThirdWaveDave
Related post:
Move America Forward caravan comes to the Chicago area
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1 comment:
Don't send real bears to Bezerkley. They don't eat $$it.
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