Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Democratic congressman appears on Fox News Channel

Since early this year, there has been an unofficial boycott of the Fox News Channel by Democratic politicians. The irony here is that network gets much higher ratings than CNN and MSNBC.

The issue came to a head when first John Edwards, then Barack Obama, announced they would not appear in a Nevada Democratic presidential candidate debate because they believe Fox has a right wing bias.

Ironically, CNN, not Fox News, was embarrassed by its November debate debacles. One was a Democratic debate, the other was for the GOP.

But the Democratic netroots, driven by MoveOn.org and the site that Barack Obama, in his latest book, had the audacity to only call "left leaning," The Daily Kos, have put the word out: Stay away from Fox News.

But Rep. Bobby Rush, (D-IL) was on Fox News early this afternoon. He was discussing a bill that's hard to oppose--legislation that would test lead levels of imported children's toys.

As you'll read in the below posts, I've been very tough on Rush, a former Black Panther who is best known now as the answer to a trivia question: Who defeated Barack Obama when he ran for a House seat?

But I'm glad he followed his instincts, and appeared on the nation's top-rated cable news network.

Related posts:

Former Obama opponent, Clinton pal, now backing Barack

Moron on Cong. Bobby Rush--Christian minister voted against House Christmas resolution

Cong. Bobby Rush no longer facing double foreclosure

Moron Congressman Bobby Rush

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