Scroll down one post for more on academic atrocities in "higher education."
From Red State:
By this point everyone's likely well aware of Dennis Lennox and his crusade to protect the taxpayers from Central Michigan University and their decision to grant a professorship to Gary Peters, a candidate for Congress some two-hundred odd miles away in Oakland County. Lennox has become a thorn in Peters' side and a constant migraine headache for the school administration which backs the Democrat candidate one-hundred and ten percent.
They've harassed Lennox, they've threatened him with expulsion and they've questioned his mental state all because he has the audacity to follow the good professor around with a video camera when he's on public property asking legitimate and reasonable questions.
Dean Pamela Gates went so far as to physically assault Lennox when he tried to serve a FOIA request for records relating to Peters.
And all of that is rotten to the core. But the "solution" to their "problem" is much worse. They've blocked the use of video cameras on public property. Even the ACLU agrees that the move infringes on Lennox's Constitutional right to free speech (a story Right Michigan brought you a half day before anyone in the MSM).
CMU's board of trustees will meet on campus December 6th. That's this Thursday.
Click here to contact those board members.
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