For the third time this week, I have to repeat my stand on Iran. The only policy that makes sense is regime change. That does not necessarily mean military force, but any nation that has a lunatic such as Mahmoud "What Holocaust?" Ahmadinejad running it, aided by the Assembly of Experts, cannot be reasoned with.
What will a President Obama-Iran negotiation achieve? A statement from Ahmadinejad that instead of no Jews being killed in the Holocaust, three million were. (Most Holocaust experts believe that six million lost their lives from the Nazi barbarity.)
As for Israel, will Ahmadinejad agree not to attack Israel for five years?
As for our troops in Iraq, which Obama says never should've been sent there at all. They're under attack by forces being armed by Iran. Obama wants to reward Iran for "changes in behavior." Okay, fine. But then why doesn't Obama firmly demand, right now, that Ahmadinejad and Iran stop this behavior right now. With no strings attached.
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