Regular visitors to this blog can't help but notice that I've posting a lot lately on the Green Party. The group is being infiltrated by radicals, and there is no clearer evidence of that than the potential Green Party presidential run of former Georgia Democratic congresswoman Cynthia McKinney.
McKinney hasn't officially announced her run, but she'll be on the Illinois Green Party ballot as presidential candidate. And she's hoping to qualify for federal matching funds, as she explains here.
According to Fox News, Georgia state legislator Mike Jacobs wants to see the Cynthia McKinney Parkway revert to its original name, Memorial Drive. The road runs through DeKalb County near Atlanta.
Jacobs explains:
If had I had to pick any road in the state of Georgia to strip the name from, this would be it. The original name of the road is Memorial Drive, which is named for the men and women who died protecting our freedom.
Who’s more deserving? I think the question answers itself.… [And] in light of the fact that her commitment to the state of Georgia is nil, we should re-double our efforts to remove her name from a state road.
More from Fox News:
McKinney, Georgia’s first black congresswoman, has long been known as an outspoken and controversial politician. In 2002, she lost her primary bid for re-election after she suggested that members of the Bush administration had advance notice of the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks. She won back her old seat in 2004, but she was defeated again in the Democratic primary in 2006.
That last defeat came five months after McKinney struck a Capitol police officer who asked to see her identification before she was allowed to enter a House building. McKinney said the officer, who was white, did it because she was "a female black congresswoman."
The proposal was originally introduced in the Georgia state legislature last year. At that time, Rep. Len Walker said about McKinney's time in Congress being "marked by controversies and rhetoric that has brought embarrassment to the state of Georgia."
In response, McKinney's campaign manager at the time, John Evans, dismissed Walker's claim that McKinney caused embarrassment to Georgia, saying:
He must be talking about white folks or uppity black folks.
You think that the Greens would be running away from McKinney, but that's not the case. Here's what one commenter said about my statement, "To the chagrin of many supporters of the Green Party, yesterday I pointed out McKinney's ties to the Greens."
Why would this be to the chagrin of Greens...? Most Greens that I've talked to are pretty enthusiastic about her campaign.
Troubling, very troubling.
Here's what Michelle Malkin has to say about the renaming proposal:
It takes a lot of cleanser to erase an unhinged legacy. Good luck, Georgia.
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Cynthia McKinney and the Greens
Massachusetts Green Party: Enough to make you puke
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