Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Beavers leaves it to the race card as America's worst governmental body gets worse

I live in Cook County, America's second largest, it's population is bigger than most states.

The payroll of Cook is overwhelmed by patronage workers and other layabouts. The Democratic Party has controlled county government for 38 years. County government is inefficient, most of the Cook County board of commissioners view the workforce as a place to dump patronage workers and other layabouts onto the public payroll. Yes, there are hard workers working for the county, but in flawed organizations, the least common denominator--which is not excellence--always wins out.

County government typically flies under the radar of most voters, so they generally vote the party line, whatever that may be, on election day.

Which is how buffoons such as William Beavers (D-Chicago) get to become a Cook County commissioner. A majority, but not all of the Democratic supervisors want to saddle people like myself with the nation's highest sales tax. Luckily, the Republican supervisors and a few Democrats refuse to stick it to the five million people they represent.

For instance, one such commissioner is Forrest Claypool, another Chicago Democrat, who feels private interests with health care expertise should run the massive Cook County health service operations, rather than the political hacks.

Makes sense to me. But not to William Beavers. He believes that the reason there is opposition to the tax increase is racism--Todd "The Toddler" Stroger, the President of the Cook County Board, is an African American, as is Beavers.

Of course Stroger only got his job after the Cook County Regular Democratic Organization appointed him to head the county ticket after his father suffered a massive stroke shortly before winning the 2006 Democratic primary over Claypool. The elder Stroger has not been seen in public since, but waited until four months after the primary to withdraw his name from the ballot.

From the Chicago Sun-Times:

Commissioner William Beavers said "if Todd was a white man, he wouldn't have half these problems," further alleging "this is a remake of the Harold Washington days" at City Hall, where racially fueled votes often ended in 29-21 decisions.

Beavers railed on that one of Stroger's top critics, Commissioner Tony Peraica, "hates everybody who's black ... all black elected officials," going on to say Peraica used to beat up black people growing up in the Bridgeport neighborhood.

Peraica was the younger Stroger's general election opponent. Sadly, common sense and good government lost out when "The Toddler" won in November.

As reprehensible as Beavers' comments were, he managed to top them with this awful offal, telling a reporter he's "the hog with the big nuts and I'm gonna tell you what it is."

Too bad the hog isn't a steer. And the way it is stinks. Like a pile of hog..uh...stuff. Interesting side note to Commissioner Beavers. For over twenty years he represented Chicago's 7th Ward as alderman, until he decided to move on the county government. After an exhausting search of the ward's 60,000 residents, Beavers found a woman named Darcel Beavers to replace him. That Beavers is of course the daughter of William, and Mayor Daley appointed her as alderman. But a few months later, the voters tossed her out, replacing her with Sandi Jackson. She's the wife of Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr., who is the son of....

Well, you know.

And the people of Chicago and Cook County tolerate this crap. But up to a point, at least when it comes to socking them with the nation's highest sales tax.

Commissioner Beavers can be reached at

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Cook County Board may vote for nation's highest sales tax
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