Episode seven of Ken Burns' PBS World War II series will air next Tuesday, it's a segment that Burns, while appearing on Fox & Friends just now, said, "The President of Iran should definitely watch."
Yesterday, Manhattan Island was stained by a madman, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. He's still there, in Midtown at the United Nations getting ready for his next speech. On Monday, the holocaust-revisionist if not outright denier spoke at Columbia University and via teleconference to the National Press Club. The naive learned that there are no homosexuals in Iran (perhaps they have "faggots" and "homos"), the holocaust needs more studying, and that Iranian women, those who at least aren't being stoned for adultery, are among "the freest in the world."
(And don't let too much hair to fall out from your hijab, ladies.)
Oh, Iran is not behind any attacks against US troops in Iraq, claims Mad Mahmoud.
Freedom of speech does not mean freedom of any speech, which is why fellow demons like Charles Manson shouldn't be allowed to speak at Columbia either.
Columbia is blessed with a school of psychiatry, and an excellent opportunity was missed by the faculty there: Like a Cipro-resistant form of syphilis or an outbreak of Ebola virus, Ahmadinejad should be studied by the top shrinks in the West--while donned in full body suits.
Meanwhile on Chicago's Southwest Side of Chicago, St. Xavier University Professor Peter N. Kirstein is leading the cheering section for Mad Mahmoud.
Kirstein has appeared a couple of times on Iranian television, which puts in the Lenin's "Useful Idiots" category.
Until his Mahmound Crusade began (Yes, I'm aware of the mixed metaphor), Kirstein was a leading supporter of since fired University of Colorado Professor Ward Churchill: plagiarist and fabricator.
Scroll down Kistein's site: He's picked a fight with former downstate Illinois Congressman Glenn Poshard (and the man disgraced former Governor George Ryan defeated in his 1998 election) should be fired from his present job as President of Southern Illinois University for plagiarism. Poshard, a Democrat whom I voted for, should be dismissed from his position--on that I agree with Kirstein.
But Kirstein, like all Lefties, carefully chooses his battles and his tactics. He recommended "punishment" falling short of firing.
As I've noted before, in the 1980s, my late father worked as a fund-raiser for St. Xavier University, which makes Kirstein an unfortunate family legacy.
And Kirstein still remains almost completely silent on the free speech struggle of Thomas Klocek at DePaul University, whereas in addition to Ward Churchill, Kirstein was among the loudest voices in the pro-Norman G. Finkelstein chorus during his tenure battle at DePaul.
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Finkelstein defender Peter Kirstein praised David Irving
Thanks for the link:
Pirate Ballerina
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