Friday, September 14, 2007

New York Times ad wars: Advantage Rudy

Striking back at the New York Times in a way only a New Yorker can, former NYC Mayor Rudy Guiliani, by placing his discounted ad in today's New York Times said "Up yours" to the Times, and

"The Old Gray Lady" gave a special rate to the far-Left group in Monday's edition, the same day General David Petraeus began testimony before Conress on the troop surge. MoveOn called the four-star general, "General Betray Us."

Rudy stuck back this morning, got the same discounted rate, and listed the general's considerable accompliments.

And he added a quote from Wednesday's New York Sun:

Using blunter language that any other Democrat in the last two days, Mrs. Clinton told General Petraeus that his progress report on Iraq required '(the) willing suspension of disbelief.'

I'm still shocked the Times ran the ad at the MoveOn rate. And it even ended up in the national edition, so I could read it here.

Wake Up America is reporting tonight the Rudy isn't letting up on HRC, On his site, Giuliani has a video pounding Clinton some more, reminding voters that in 2002 Hillary was an ardent supporter of the the invasion of Iraq.

From the Boston Globe's report on Rudy's new online ad:

Just when our troops need all our support to finish the job, Hillary Clinton is turning her back on them," the ad's narrator intones. "General Petraeus and the brave men and women now serving under him deserve an apology. And our nation deserves better. Senator Clinton, do the right thing. Apologize for your comments and condemn the ad.

As of this writing, none of the Democratic candidates for president have denounced the MoveOn ad. John Edwards' wife, Elizabeth, did speak out against it.

"Someone who's spent their life in the military doesn't deserve 'General Betray Us,'" said Edwards, wife of Democratic presidential candidate John Edwards.

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