Saturday, August 11, 2007

Romney wins Iowa straw poll

This evening's Republican Iowa Straw Poll, an anticlimactic event given that top names such as Rudy Giuliani and John McCain decided to skip the affair, was won by former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney. In second place was former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee, who seems to be the leading contender of the second-tier candidates and despite some ethics issues, can now be called a viable vice presidential possibility. Kansas Senator Sam Brownback ended up in third, he was hoping that his ties to evangelicals in the Hawkeye State would lead to a strong showing, if not an outright victory, as Pat Robertson achieved in the 1987 Iowa Straw Poll.

Former Wisconsin Governor Tommy Thompson, finished in sixth place. As I blogged last night, his campaign is going poorly, and the former HHS Secretary was looking for a strong showing in Ames, where the balloting took place.

Instead, it appears he'll be joining former Virginia Governor Jim Gilmore as a former Republican presidential candidate.

Related posts:

Soon-to-be-former Gov. Huckabee and wife on "wedding" gift registries

More Huckabee ethical problems

Is America ready for "Brownback Girl?"

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