Forget the music--just for a moment. Elvis Presley, who died thirty years ago today, was one of the great sociological influences on 20th Century life.
Where was I when I heard the news? Watching a home afternoon (Wrigley Field lights were 11 years in the future) Chicago Cubs game on WGN-TV. A bulletin gave the news to the people of the Chicago area. Then Jack Brickhouse, the Cubs' announcer at the time, explained that Preslely was one of the greatest musical performers of all time.
Brickhouse, who to me was a square's square, surprised me with that one.
The next morning I went to cross country practice and of course the topic during the 10-mile run was Elvis. Presley's musical peak was in the rear view mirror by then, but we all agreed that if had been no Elvis, that meant there could've been no Beatles, Rolling Stones, or Led Zeppelin.
Third Wave Dave gives his personal recollections here, and over in Kansas, Lindsborger News adds his take.
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