Jake of the Freedom Folks tipped me off that this Topeka, Kansas billboard was vandalized last week by someone with impressively neat spray-paint handwriting but unfamiliar with the proper portrayal of a Nazi swastika. The left facing swastika, the one the vandal used, is a religious icon from the Buddhist and Hindu faiths, the right facing one is the one Hitler liked, and presumably the one the criminal meant to use.
Outraged Patriots is an Oklahoma based group, and Jake assures me Dan "hell of a good guy and the real deal," which is good enough for me.
As for the vandals who disagreed with his message. There is a proper and legal way to respond. Design your own billboard, and pay an outdoor advertising firm to put it up. Attempting to destroy another's message is well, fascist.
Last month I was in Topeka. You may have heard of a "church" there trying to force its unpopular views on the rest of the country.
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