Saturday, July 14, 2007

Blogroll addition: David Harsanyi

If you have a copy of the latest National Review, you'll notice a review of Andrew Ferguson's latest book, Land of Lincoln: Adventures in Abe's America. The author of that review is David Harsanyi, who did a great service in advancing the Thomas Klocek story during a 2005 appearance on the O'Reilly Factor.

(Scroll down one post for more on that story.)

Here's what Harsanyi, a Denver Post columnist, said that night, during a discussion about Ward "Little Eichmanns" Churchill:
But I want to point out there is some hypocrisy here. At DePaul, for instance, there is a professor named Thomas Klocek who was thrown out for saying some pro-Israel things to a Palestinian crowd.

In addition to his work at the Post, David is an author in his own right--His (I think) first book will be released in two months, and it's titled Nanny State: How Food Fascists, Teetotaling Do-Gooders, Priggish Moralists, and other Boneheaded Bureaucrats are Turning America into a Nation of Children.

Sounds like a winner.

Harsanyi has a blog, and it's He has a site for the book too, which you'll find here.

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