Kathryn Weber is a DePaul student and Norman Finkelstein supporter who alerted me to a student led pro-Norman Finkesltein show of support in front of the office of DePaul President Rev. Dennis Holtschneider, pictured on the left, in the CNA building across the street from DePaul's Loop campus.
For more on Finkelstein, read this AP summary of the story. Or scroll down for more Finkelstein posts.
I spoke with Kathryn on her cell phone Monday evening.
She called the day-long turnout for Finkelstein, "Really good support, awesome support." At the peak of the protest, "Around 25 people were there."
At 3:00pm, Father Holtschneider met with the Finkelstein backers in a nearby conference room. Although Weber told me she didn't agree with what Holtschneider said--he stands by his decision to deny Finkelstein tenure--she was glad he spoke with her and the other students.
On Friday night, Solomonia phrased it best by saying, "We'll be hearing a lot more about this in coming days..."
And he was right.
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