Immigration, legal and even illegal, is supposed to work like this: People come from another country, some married, some not. Often immigrants marry someone from their own ethnic group. The offspring of such marriages become Americanized, and later assimilate into "the melting pot."
But a disturbing report came out today. In a Pew Research poll of Muslims.
From CBS News:
While nearly 80 percent of U.S. Muslims say suicide bombings of civilians to defend Islam cannot be justified, 13 percent say they can be, at least rarely.
That sentiment is strongest among those younger than 30. Two percent of them say it can often be justified, 13 percent say sometimes and 11 percent say rarely.
"It is a hair-raising number," said Radwan Masmoudi, president of the Washington-based Center for the Study of Islam and Democracy, which promotes the compatibility of Islam with democracy.
He said most supporters of the attacks likely assumed the context was a fight against occupation — a term Muslims often use to describe the conflict with Israel.
I don't care what religion you adhere to: Suicide bombings are always wrong. If you believe otherwise, despite whatever papers you have that say otherwise, you should not consider yourself an American.
There is more bad new from the Pew poll. From its findings, Pew says that only 40 percent of US Muslims believe Arab men carried out the 9/11 attacks.
The survey reports that five percent of America's Muslims have a positive view of al-Qaeda. Since Pew estimates that there are 2.35 million followers of Islam living in the United States, that means there could be 111,700 al-Qaeda supporters here--that's about as many people who live in Peoria, Illinois.
But about one quarter of the polll respondents did not express an opinion.
Oh, about those 2.35 million Muslims here. CAIR, the Council on American Islamic Relations, claimed six years ago that seven million Muslims were living in the United States. Time for CAIR to count again. Both sides might be wrong on the correct number, but I'm willing to guess that Pew is much closer to the real number.
On the flipside of the Pew poll, Muslims living here overwhelming have a positive view of American sociey.
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