Thursday, January 18, 2007

A selection from Obama's Illinois Senate record

Yes, Barack Obama's thin U.S. Senate record doesn't give too much to comb through--he's only served in the upper chamber for two years--and that record, mostly liberal, won't hurt him much in the Democratic primaries and caucuses.

AP's Ryan Keith, via the Chicago "free registration required" Tribune looks at some of Obama's Illinois Senate votes. Hat tip to Rich Miller of Capitol Fax.

Here are some votes, or sponsored bills, that I think may provide ammunition to his presidential opponents. Some will only matter if Obama is the Democratic nominee in November, 2008.

-- Voted against making permanent the repeal of the state's 5 percent sales tax on gasoline.

-- Voted against restrictions on public funding of abortion.

-- Voted against letting people argue self-defense in court if charged with violating local weapons bans by using a gun in their home.

-- Unsuccessfully sponsored limit of one handgun purchase per month.

-- Voted against making gang members eligible for the death penalty if they kill someone to help their gang.

-- Unsuccessfully sponsored measure to expunge some criminal records and create an employment grant program for ex-criminals.

-- Voted for having Illinois endorse embryonic stem cell research.

-- Voted against giving tax credits to parents who send their children to private school.

Meanwhile in southern Illinois, a Democratic lawmaker is talking about forming a group, "Sportsmen for Obama." Free registration required for the link.

Obama will be called a "gun-grabber" by pro-Second Amendment groups. A "Sportsmen for Obama" organization won't change a single vote. Yes, I know the cherry-picked Obama votes are about handguns, but gun groups don't like to differentiate among gun issues.

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