Saturday, January 13, 2007

Northern New Hampshire businesses seeking disaster aid--because of lack of snow

Skiing and other winter pursuits are big tourism draws in northern New England. And like most of the country--Colorado and the plains states being notable exceptions--New England has had a warm winter so far. Which has been toxic for hoteliers, skiing lodges, snowmobile salesmen and the like.

So some businesses from northern New Hampshire are taking matters in their own hands: They're asking for federal relief.

From the Manchester Union-Leader:

With a dearth of snow and cold days hurting North Country tourism, recreation and logging businesses, the governor has been asked to declare an emergency and request federal disaster aid for those five northern counties.

Yes, I'm sympathetic in regards to the financial hardships of the businesses--and their employees--but I don't believe that a warm winter is a natural disaster worthy of a federal aid for the victims.

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