Saturday, January 20, 2007

Glenn & Helen Show podcast with Wall Street Journal publisher Gordon Crovitz

I just got back with from a rare evening run during which I listened to the latest Glenn & Helen Show podcast. This time Gordon Crovitz calls in for an interview with Glenn Reynolds and Dr. Helen Smith.

Crovitz say he's "the last person in the country with 'newspaper publisher' in his title who nonetheless is an optimist."

Not that the Wall Street Journal doesn't have an online presence, it's OpinionJournal is one of the internet's most popular sites.

Recently the print edition went through a re-size; it's being touted as computer screen size, but for some reason, I was more reminded of a Blackberry or Treo-friendly display while I thumbed through today's weekend edition.

There you'll find a good interview with Sen. Joe Lieberman, which is also posted in the OpinionJournal.

But don't forget about Glenn & Helen's podcast. Listen to it or download here.

Free subscriptions are available at the iTunes web site.

The podcast is sponsored by Volvo Cars.

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