Sen. Joseph Biden (D-Del) formally entered the presidential race this morning.
The buffoon is not going win his party's nomination, he won't be the Democrats' choice for vice president.
I've always held that view.
But if I had any doubts about it, now from the New York Observer comes this Biden comment:
Mr. Biden is equally skeptical—albeit in a slightly more backhanded way—about Mr. Obama. "I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy," he said. "I mean, that’s a storybook, man."
Can you imagine the firestorm that would break out if a Republican presidential candidate made such comments?
He says some (surprise!) stupid things about John Edwards and Hillary Clinton too.
As far as Biden's entry into the race, well, there goes the neighborhood.
Related posts:
Biden making it official for 2008 in his longshot bid
I almost forgot about this Biden boo-boo
Biden wants Confederate flag off South Carolina capitol grounds
Hat tip to Michelle Malkin for the story.
UPDATE 2:50 PM CST: LaShawn Barber is all over the "Clean Candidate."
UPDATE 3:00 PM CST: With a hat tip to Rich Miller's Capitol Fax, here is Biden's clarification of his comments on Hotline. "I'm an idiot" was not among the reasons, although it should've been.
Technorati tags: Biden politics 2008 elections Obama Delaware Obama democrats
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