Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Ward Churchill running loose

I'm watching Hannity & Colmes now, and they're talking about the latest idiocy spewed by F-Troop Indian Ward Churchill.

From Brainster's blog:

In a two-hour speech at the New School titled "Sterilizing History: The Fabrication of Innocent Americans," delivered without notes, Mr. Churchill traced what he called a pattern of mass murder as American foreign policy from the time of the country's inception to the events of September 11, 2001, which he said the country was essentially asking for.

Mr. Churchill also called the president of the New School, Robert Kerrey, a former senator of Nebraska, a "mass murder and serial killer to boot" for having served in Thanh Phong, Vietnam. Mr. Churchill also served in Vietnam, an act for which he said he has spent the rest of his life apologizing.

Mr. Churchill received cheers from the audience for comparing Mr. Kerrey to the serial killer Charles Manson. "That's who you've got moral equivalency in the president's chair at this institution," Mr. Churchill said. "How about a cage rather than a president's suite?"

In addition to Hannity & Colmes, an author Robert Dreyfus (who I haven't heard of) and soon-to-be guest at DePaul David Horowitz are talking about the that loon from Colorado.

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