Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Obama and that middle name

The mainstream media has taken note that many (but not this one) bloggers have made note of Sen. Barack Obama's middle name: It's Hussein. Free Republic posters make mention of it regularly.

From Lynn Sweet's Chicago Sun-Times column:

Barack Hussein Obama. The blogosphere and talk radio, even C-Span, has chatter about the middle name of the Illinois Democrat.

Obama never hid the name. Never highlighted it, either. People are just starting to pay closer attention as Obama mulls a 2008 White House run. He is the son of Barack Hussein Obama Sr.

Hussein is a family name. His grandmother is Sara Hussein Obama.

At one point he was Barack H. Obama. That's how he is listed in the Harvard Law Review when he was the president of the publication. He dropped the H and dumped his nickname of Barry along the way.

And no, Obama is not a Muslim. He's a member of the United Church of Christ.

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