Monday, December 11, 2006

Marathon Pundit exclusive: David Horowitz and Thomas Klocek to speak at DePaul on academic freedom in January

The DePaul Conservative Alliance is sponsoring an event that will take place on DePaul's Lincoln Park campus that is bringing well-known author and conservative thinker David Horowitz, fired DePaul professor and victim of DePaul political correctness run-amok Thomas Klocek, and DePaul math professor Jonathan Cohen to speak about academic freedom on campus. Or perhaps the topic should be the lack of academic freedom on campus.

I plan to be there, but I'll be sitting in the back somewhere.

The discussion will take place on Wednesday, Januaury 24 at 7pm at DePaul's 2324 N. Fremont Street on Chicago's North Side.

Horowitz will be discussing his latest book, The Professors: The 101 Most Dangerous Academics in America. Ironically, two DePaul professors made Horowitz' "elite" group, Norman G. Finkelstein and Aminah McCloud.

As regular readers of Marathon Pundit know, Thomas Klocek was a longtime adjunct professor at the Chicago Catholic university; he was fired after participating in spirited discussion on Middle Eastern politics with some Muslim DePaul students two years ago.

The professor is a talkative gentleman, and he'll have a lot to say about "academic freedom."

I know Professor Cohen well, and he'll add a great deal of insight to the discussion.

If you are interested in attending the event, please e-mail Nicholas Hahn III at

Related posts: Sept 15: Second anniversary of the beginning of the Thomas Klocek affair

DePaul DeTritus

CAIR-Chicago recommended that DePaul fire Klocek

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