Friday, December 08, 2006

Daily Herald's Eric Krol writes a script for a 2008 attack ad on Obama

Obama mania is becoming a world wide phenomenon. Back in Illinois, a few people haven't been infected by this craze. One of them is Eric Krol of the Daily Herald, a suburban Chicago daily.

From Krol's column:

Potential script for a new TV campaign ad, probably viewable only in January 2008 in Iowa, New Hampshire and on YouTube:

Cue bouncy music, something along the lines of 1950s advertisements or the "Leave it To Beaver" theme. Voice-over from a paternal-sounding announcer ... "Meet Barack Obama. He bought a $1.65 million mansion. Meet his neighbor, Tony Rezko, indicted on major federal corruption charges that he traded his influence with a politician for kickbacks." (Note: don’t mention that the politician is actually Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich, not Obama. This is a campaign ad, after all.)

"Senator Obama couldn’t quite afford both that house and the well-groomed vacant lot next door, so he persuaded the seller to give him a $300,000 discount on the house. But his savvy and sleazy real estate developer friend, Rezko, cheerily offered to pay full price for that empty lot. Now they’re neighbors."

Music turns dramatic, as does announcer’s tone. "Indicted pals. Insider real estate deals. Is this the type of politician you want to elect president?"

For those unfamiliar with Illinois politics, Gov. Blagojevich is a Democrat too.

As for Antoin "Tony" Rezko, the feds had been investigating the real estate developer for at least a couple of years, and definitely at the time of the Rezko-Obama South Side Chicago real estate deal. Senator Obama had to have known this about Rezko.

Related posts: Cong. Gutierrez got special real estate deal from Tony Rezko

Latest Rezko revelation: Gov. Blagojevich's wife profited from Rezko real estate deal

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