Sunday, December 17, 2006

Chicago columnist succumbs to Obama mania

For the most part, the Chicago media has been immune to that bug known as "Obama mania."

But not Carol Marin of the Chicago Sun-Times:

Now, it seems, time has chosen Obama as his clock ticks toward a January date with destiny. And no group of people is more excited than those of us who will cover the election. We like the fact that we knew him when. Long before folks in Iowa or New Hampshire stuck out their hands to press his flesh, we actually rubbed shoulders. He's our homey and we are his. As hometown press, we're wild about this story. A politician from Chicago tearing down a barrier of race. One of our own ready to make history.

For those unfamiliar with Marin, she has a reputation, undeserved in my opinion, for journalistic integrity. She's the anchorwoman who quit her NBC 5 Chicago position in protest after loudmouth Jerry Springer was hired to do commentary segments for the station's 10:00pm news.

Her style is much different than Springer's, but her work is detestable all the same.

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