Thursday, October 12, 2006

Bush in Chicago for House fundraisers

Two of the closely watched congressional races are here in Illinois. That hasn't escaped President Bush's notice, who was in Chicago this afternoon to raise money for the campaigns of Republican congressional candidates David McSweeney and Peter Roskam.

In 2004, Democrat Melissa Bean ousted longtime (too longtime) incumbent Phil Crane in the 8th district, which covers Chicago's northwest suburbs. McSweeney is challenging Bean--this seat is considered the only chance for the Republicans to oust a Democratic incumbent. The smart money has Bean winning by a tad next month, but if the Topinka campaign catches fire, that could change. Also, part of the district is in Cook County, and Republican Cook County President candidate Tony Peraica just might be able to fuel the disgust with the current Democratic-controlled mess that is known as Cook County government to pull off what seems impossible--a Republican winning a county-wide race in deep-blue Cook County. So a red tide could beach Bean.

In the west suburban 6th, Democrat Tammy Duckworth, who lives in Bean's 8th district, is a Iraq war veteran and a double amputee. Her campaign has gotten a lot of national attention, and money, but the 6th is looking like it's leaning toward Republican Peter Roskam. The 6th district is Henry Hyde's seat, he's retiring at the end of this term.

President Bush won both districts in 2004.

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